Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pet Peeves

Ok, so I know I have a lot of pet peeves. But the biggest ones I've encountered here have to do with the lab. I'm a very obsessive compulsive, neat freak kind of person and I'm courteous enough to put things back where they go when I use something. I also clean up after myself. It amazes me how many people are not like me.... I mean, seriously! One thing I like about labs in US is that they're small, only a few people work in them at one time, and everyone has their own place and people know not to mess with whatever is in that designated place. Well, that's not how it is here. Everything is fair game when you have a lab of 20+ people and not specific designated areas for anyone. I mean, yes, we all have our general areas, but it doesn't matter what you put in your own place, if someone wants what you have, they take it, regardless. Have I mentioned how much that just irks me? I at least ask if I can use something before I assume that I can. Maybe it's just the difference in the culture or something. I don't know. I just know that if I were not just a temporary worker here, I'd have some things to say, and I'm not sure they would be very nice, either. I hate having to hunt for things that I need, only to end up never finding it and having to improvise with something else that is way substandard. But 4 more weeks.... This is what I keep telling myself. 4 more weeks...

1 comment:

  1. Someone messing up an area you are to use and using your things is definitely one of your pet peeves. hehe.
